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A female customer targeted by a lesbian esthetician is trained a


A female customer targeted by a lesbian esthetician is trained a
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She is interested in beauty treatments and entrusts herself to an esthetician because she wants women to be beautiful and healthy. A lesbian esthetician who takes advantage of a female customer who is careless because she is a woman in charge, although the scene exposes her skin.
A slender and beautiful woman who works as a model and talent comes to our store because she is conscious of beauty and is interested in beauty salons. However, what awaits her there is a lesbian esthetician who loves cute girls. While she was being guided to the changing room and changing into shorts for the treatment, a female customer was given a supplement that would make her body more sensitive and erotic, and drank it all without realizing it. Even though the person in charge of the treatment is a woman, I had no idea that the esthetician was plotting to prey on female customers by performing obscene treatments and training them as lesbians. Coupled with the effects of the supplement, she feels the naughty touch of the erotic older sister, and she is guided to release her sexual desire, saying, ``It's okay to make a sound.'' The lesbian lady's supple fingers penetrate her treatment shorts, stimulating her clitoris and massaging her breasts. A lesbian esthetician who drags you into sexual pleasure does whatever you want. He seizes her lips with a deep kiss, stirs her pussy, and makes her cum. The horny lady takes off her uniform and gives her a cunnilingus session, giving her lesbian training. As the female customers become more lewd, the women rub their pussies against each other and drown in the pleasure of lesbian play.

Duration: 44 minutes 35 seconds/mp4 with audio

¡¦This work does not contain any illegal content.
¡¦We have confirmed that the models appearing in this work are over the age of 18 and have given their consent before being photographed.
¡¦The characters, organizations, stories, etc. that appear in this work are all fiction and do not contain any acts that violate the law.

¡ÚTags¡Û Beauty Salon Massage Oil Massage Lesbian Talent Model Big Tits
Product id 930162
File Name r5rw18.mp4
File Size 1.32 GB
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