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A dangerous selfie of a masturbation addict / 100 orgasms with h


A dangerous selfie of a masturbation addict / 100 orgasms with h
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I like sex, but I prefer masturbation.

Aren't there other women like this?

I've heard that girls are more sensitive than guys.

That means it feels even better when masturbating than a man! ?

...That seems to be the case, so I got a selfie of a girl who loves masturbation more than anything.

Her hair is mostly straight blonde.

She is a pure-hearted girl with perfect eyes and nose that anyone who looks at her would call her ``beautiful''.

However, contrary to her appearance, she actually seems to love masturbation, and her favorite electric massager is a large size for commercial use.

She looks like a real masochist, and she has a fantasy of being raped with an electric massager stuck in her pants...

Since the electric massager is fixed in an M-shaped position, the pressure of the pants directly hits the clitoris.

From the beginning, it felt pretty weird, but from the middle, she began to use the electric massager on her own, making it a super masochistic experience.

The good thing about masochist women is that even though they end up cumming many times during the process, they still make the stimulation stronger on their own.

In the second half, she shows off her continuous orgasms to the camera while shaking her body.

Playing time 10:34

¡úThis work does not violate the rules¡ú
¡úContents based on this site's terms of use¡ú
¡úAge confirmed to be 18 years or older¡ú
¡úFilmed as a situation video¡ú

¡ÚTags¡Û Amateur personal photography selfie beauty masturbation electric massager vibrator cute SM masochist panty shot breas
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File Size 1.44 GB
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