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Schoolgirls caught by unscrupulous store manager receive creampi NEW


Schoolgirls caught by unscrupulous store manager receive creampi
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Cute girls with twin tails and cool schoolgirls with long black hair are caught taking merchandise from the store without permission. They are caught not by decent adults but by the unscrupulous store manager who plans to use young girls as prey to satisfy his sexual desires. The unscrupulous store manager knows that the girls are afraid of being reported to the police, so he uses this as a bait to guide them not to resist. At first, the cool, beautiful schoolgirls are rebellious, but when he threatens to report them, they become quiet. "I'll do a physical examination in exchange for not reporting the police," the girls have no choice but to follow the unscrupulous store manager's orders. He unbuttons their blouses and leaves them in their bras, and lifts their skirts to expose their panties. "I'm going to check if there are any products in your underwear," he says, stripping them off and exposing their breasts and pussies. The excited man puts his thick dick in front of the girls and orders them to give him a blowjob. If they hesitate, he asks, "Do you want to go to the police?" to educate the girls not to resist. The unscrupulous store manager thrusts his dick deep into her throat and says, "Does it hurt? Well, I'll put it in." He doesn't even try to settle for a blowjob from the start, but instead mercilessly inserts it raw and cums inside her.

Time: 27 minutes 12 seconds / mp4 with sound

- This work does not contain any illegal content.
- The models appearing in this work have been confirmed to be over 18 years old, and were filmed with their consent.
- All people, organizations, stories, etc. appearing in this work are fictional and do not contain any illegal acts.

¡ÚTags¡Û Student School uniform Handjob Blowjob Creampie
Product id 954806
File Name 1rn6yu37.mp4
File Size 623.15 MB
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