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Mouth, Lips, Tongue, Throat, Fetish] Even Throat Cock is Clear:  NEW


Mouth, Lips, Tongue, Throat, Fetish] Even Throat Cock is Clear:
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I would like to introduce you to a video focusing on the mouth of a beautiful model who is currently a college student. It is like a dream come true to have such a model come to my private photo session. I am really sorry that I cannot show you her entire face, but this time I especially focused on her attractive lips and oral cavity. She is dressed in a costume (swimming suit) for the shoot.

First, we get a large view of her beautiful mouth with her pretty smile. You can clearly see her beautiful white teeth and healthy oral cavity. We also use a light to make sure we can see the back of her throat.

Next, we asked her to give us a kissy face so we can fully enjoy the allure of her soft lips. She also gave me a slightly mischievous funny face, but the lips are still really beautiful. After that, I asked her to open her mouth wide as if she were sitting in a dentist's chair and stick out her tongue. The shape and movement of her tongue is different for each of us, and we can closely observe her youthful tongue. We also had her move her tongue and show us the back side of it.

Particularly noteworthy is her "throat" and even there you can feel her youthfulness. Although her voice is not included, we also captured the movement of her "throat" as she uttered the word "ah," so please take a look.

For those who want to explore the beauty of the mouth from a new perspective, this video is not to be missed.
It is a valuable piece of work, so please consider it.

*The face above the mouth is not visible.
*There is no sound.
*This product was sold on other sites. Please be careful not to purchase duplicates.

Play time: approx. 1 min. 37 sec.
Original frame: 1920 x 1080
Original size: approx. 172MB
Format: MP4 format
Sound: No sound

If you like, please send us your impressions, requests, and fantasy ideas in the comments.
We would like to use them as a reference for future shootings.

The introduction and other information are fictitious for your enjoyment.
We will not be able to respond to any returns or complaints.
Noise may be present during the filming and editing process.
All characters are over 18 years old and have been filmed with permission.
No content that violates the Terms of Use or the laws of Japan is included.
Reproduction, resale, reproduction, transfer, secondary use, or publication of any kind is prohibited.

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【Tags】 Mouth Lip Tongue Throat Fetish
Product id 955965
File Name 2406skt01.mp4
File Size 172.50 MB
Registration Date
Page View 43
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