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 SELF-INTRODUCTION 竹刀、一本鞭、電流、十露盤、焼きゴテ、三角木馬・・・・・


“ハイブリッド・ノベル”とは、文章/画像/動画などを1つに合体させた、これまでにない新しいコンテンツの形態です。 DVDのように鮮明にイメージを描くことができ、小説のように想像力を無限に膨らませることができます。それは、言わば大人のための絵本。どうぞお楽しみください。

    NAME   CONSIGNOR   PRICE   Page View    
 [Premium Package] Elite Girl's School - Punishment  [Premium Package] Elite… 強問の館  2,240YEN   102 
 Special offering of 60% discount from regular price 5,600JPY. This package include 6 stories (7 files)as follows. 
 [Premium Package] hanged girl t***** Vol.1-5  [Premium Package] hanged… 強問の館  2,000YEN   891 
 Special offering of 60% discount from regular price 5,000JPY This package include 5 stories as follows 
 [Premium Package] hanged girl t***** Vol.6-9  [Premium Package] hanged… 強問の館  2,000YEN   689 
 Special offering of 60% discount from regular price 5,000JPY. This package include 5 stories as follows. Visit our home… 
 [Premium Package] Princess of Quial Vol.1-8  [Premium Package] Prince… 強問の館  1,600YEN   40 
 Special offering of 60% discount from regular price 4,000JPY. This package include 8 stories as follows. Visit our home… 
 [Premium Package] Princess of Quial Vol.9-14  [Premium Package] Prince… 強問の館  1,200YEN   26 
 Special offering of 60% discount from regular price 3,000JPY. This package include 6 stories as follows. Visit our home… 
 [Premium Package] Princess of Quiala Vol.15-19  [Premium Package] Prince… 強問の館  1,200YEN   42 
 Special offering of 60% discount from regular price 3,000JPY. This package include 5 stories as follows. Visit our home… 
 Elite Girl's School Punishment1 Yuka Urayasu  Elite Girl's School Puni… 強問の館  800YEN   1344 
 Tortured School Girl's Pictures 1800x4400 27 pics 2000x4000 8 pics 2200x4400 126 pics total 161 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Punishment2 Akane Omiya  Elite Girl's School Puni… 強問の館  800YEN   767 
 Tortured School Girl's Pictures 2900x4350 52 pics 3168x4752 93 pics total 145 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Punishment3 Ayumi Kawasaki  Elite Girl's School Puni… 強問の館  800YEN   582 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures 2200x4400 21 pics 2376x4752 18 pics 2800x4200 3 pics 3000x4500 56 pics 3168x4752 54 p… 
 Elite Girl's School Punishment4 Makoto Utsunomiya  Elite Girl's School Puni… 強問の館  800YEN   881 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures 2112x3168 29pics 2376x4752 55pics 3000x4500 101pics 3168x4752 40pics total 225 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Punishment5 Yukari Yokohama  Elite Girl's School Puni… 強問の館  800YEN   1054 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures 2000x4000 3 pics 2376x4752 42 pics 3000x4500 22 pics 3168x4752 58 pics total 125 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Punishment6-1 Sayaka Ichikawa  Elite Girl's School Puni… 強問の館  800YEN   471 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 130 pics 2376x4752 46 pics 2592x5184 7 pics 3168x4752 17 pics 3456x5184 60 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Punishment6-2 Mika Matsudo  Elite Girl's School Puni… 強問の館  800YEN   525 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 163 pics 2376x4752 50 pics 2592x3456 2 pics 2592x5184 15 pics 3168x4752 28 pics… 
 Elite Girl's School Y-class Special Punishment1 Mai Adachi  Elite Girl's School Y-cl… 強問の館  800YEN   438 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 180 pics 2376x4752 122 pics 3168x4752 58 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Y-class Special Punishment2 Nana Katsushika  Elite Girl's School Y-cl… 強問の館  800YEN   338 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 200 pics 2376x4752 129 pics 3168x4752 71 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Y-class Special Punishment3 Chihiro Arakawa  Elite Girl's School Y-cl… 強問の館  800YEN   459 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 195 pics 2376x4752 123 pics 3168x4752 72 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Y-class Special Punishment4 Kotone Toshima  Elite Girl's School Y-cl… 強問の館  800YEN   446 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 210 pics 2376x4752 100 pics 3168x4752 110 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Y-class Special Punishment5 Sayaka Kita  Elite Girl's School Y-cl… 強問の館  800YEN   345 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 182 pics 2376x4752 94 pics 3168x4752 88 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Y-class Special Punishment6 Mei Itabashi  Elite Girl's School Y-cl… 強問の館  800YEN   458 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 200 pics 2376x4752 88 pics 3168x4752 112 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Y-class Special Punishment7 Asuka Nakano  Elite Girl's School Y-cl… 強問の館  800YEN   544 
 School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 195 pics 2376x4752 84 pics 3168x4752 111 pics 
 Elite Girl's School Y-class Special Punishmen8 Mio Setagaya  Elite Girl's School Y-cl… 強問の館  800YEN   484 
  School Girl's Punishment Pictures total 198 pics 2376x4752 117 pics 3168x4752 81 pics 
 Elite Girl's School-t***** series 1  Elite Girl's School-t***… 強問の館  800YEN   604 
 JPEG Pictures 2376x4752 136 pics 2592x5184 11 pics 3168x4752 70 pics 3456x5184 17 pics total 234 pics To read complete… 
 Elite Girl's School-t***** series 2  Elite Girl's School-t***… 強問の館  800YEN   327 
 JPEG Pictures 2376x4752 157 pics 3168x4752 55 pics total 212 pics To read complete story please visit our homepage http… 
 Elite Girl's School-t***** series 3  Elite Girl's School-t***… 強問の館  800YEN   928 
 JPEG Pictures 3000x4500 116 pics 3168x4752 67 pics total 183 pics Visit HP to read complete story https://t*****.cpg.pv… 
 Elite Girl's School-t***** series 4  Elite Girl's School-t***… 強問の館  800YEN   222 
 JPEG Pictures 2376x4752 25 pics 3168x4752 68 pics 2592x5184 31 pics 3456x5184 56 pics total 180 pics Visit HP to read c… 
 Elite Girl's School-t***** series 5  Elite Girl's School-t***… 強問の館  800YEN   243 
 JPEG Pictures 2376x4752 58 pics 2592x5184 16 pics 3000x4500 94 pics 3168x4752 24 pics 3456x5184 6 pics total 198 pics V… 
 Elite Girl's School - interrogation series 6  Elite Girl's School - in… 強問の館  800YEN   197 
 JPEG Pictures 2376x4752 121 pics 2592x5184 68 pics 3456x5184 38 pics total 227 pics Visit HP to read complete story 
 Elite Girl's School - interrogation series 7  Elite Girl's School - in… 強問の館  800YEN   142 
 JPEG Pictures 3168x4752 106 pics 3456x5184 52 pics total 158 pics Visit HP to read complete story 
 Elite Girl's School - interrogation series 8  Elite Girl's School - in… 強問の館  800YEN   118 
 JPEG Pictures 2376x4752 148 pics 3168x4752 82 pics 2592x5184 13 pics 3456x5184 3 pics total 246 pics Visit HP to read c… 
 Elite Girl's School - interrogation series 9 Aki Kamonomiya  Elite Girl's School - in… 強問の館  800YEN   64 
 JPEG Pictures 2376x4752 37 pics 2400x3600 16 pics 2592x5184 23 pics 3168x4752 87 pics 3456x5184 26 pics total 189 pics… 
 hanged giirl t***** 1  hanged giirl t***** 1 強問の館  1,000YEN   1494 
 Girl t***** Picture 2000x4000 96 pics 2100x4200 64 pics 2376x4752 11 pics 3000x4500 21 pics 3168x4752 8 pics total 200… 
 hanged girl detector t***** 2  hanged girl detector t**… 強問の館  1,000YEN   2201 
 Girl Detector t***** Picture 1080x1920 432 pics 2475x4400 117 pics (duplicate) 
 hanged girl t***** 3  hanged girl t***** 3 強問の館  1,000YEN   883 
 Girl t***** Picture 1000x2000 181 pics 1200x1800 148 pics 2100x4200 76 pics 3000x4500 34 pics 3168x4752 6 pics total 44… 
 hanged girl t***** 4  hanged girl t***** 4 強問の館  1,000YEN   1282 
 Girl t***** Picture 1000x1500 86 pics 1000x2000 192 pics 2250x4500 22 pics 2300x4600 35 pics 2400x3600 10 pics 3168x475… 
 hanged girl t***** 5  hanged girl t***** 5 強問の館  1,000YEN   1113 
 Girl t***** Picture 1188x2376 3 pics 1584x2376 45 pics 2376x4752 2 pics 3168x4752 78 pics total 128 pics 
 hanged girl t***** 6  hanged girl t***** 6 強問の館  1,000YEN   1023 
 Girl t***** Picture 1800x4600 7pics 2100x4200 134pics 2200x4400 4pics 2300x4600 72pics 2376x4752 45pics 2600x3900 14pic… 
 hanged girl t***** 7  hanged girl t***** 7 強問の館  1,000YEN   1214 
 Girl t***** Picture 2200x4400 19pics 2300x4600 115pics 2376x4752 16pics total 150 pics 
 hanged girl t***** 8  hanged girl t***** 8 強問の館  1,000YEN   1479 
 Girl t***** Picture 2200x4400 32 pics 2376x4752 47 pics 3168x4752 89 pics total 168 pics 
 hanged girl t***** 9  hanged girl t***** 9 強問の館  1,000YEN   940 
 Girl t***** Picture 2200x4400 10pics 2376x4752 164pics total 174 pics 
 Hanged tortured girl detective 9-2  Hanged tortured girl det… 強問の館  1,000YEN   842 
 Tortured girl detective Picture 2000x4000 107pics 2376x4752 40pics 2400x3600 78pics 3168x4752 28pics total 253 pics 
 t***** House [Adult's picture book series] Q1 Princess of Quial  t***** House [Adult's pi… 強問の館  500YEN   3125 
 It is 17 thousand light year far away from the Earth, the name of the planet is "Quiala". This planet is completely pro… 
 t***** House [Adult's picture book series] Q2 Princess of Quia  t***** House [Adult's pi… 強問の館  500YEN   5204 
 It is 17 thousand light year far away from the Earth, the name of the planet is "Quiala". This planet is completely pro… 
 t***** House [Adult's picture book series] Q3 Princess of Quia  t***** House [Adult's pi… 強問の館  500YEN   1664 
 It is 17 thousand light year far away from the Earth, the name of the planet is "Quiala". This planet is completely pro… 
 t***** House [Adult's picture book series] Q4 Princess of Quial  t***** House [Adult's pi… 強問の館  500YEN   1764 
 It is 17 thousand light year far away from the Earth, the name of the planet is "Quiala". This planet is completely pro… 
 Princess of Quiala Vol.5  Princess of Quiala Vol.5 強問の館  500YEN   356 
 It is 17 thousand light year far away from the Earth, the name of the planet is "Quiala". This planet is completely pro… 
 Princess of Quiala Vol.6  Princess of Quiala Vol.6 強問の館  500YEN   223 
 It is 17 thousand light year far away from the Earth, the name of the planet is "Quiala". This planet is completely pro… 
 Princess of Quiala Vol.7  Princess of Quiala Vol.7 強問の館  500YEN   291 
 It is 17 thousand light year far away from the Earth, the name of the planet is "Quiala". This planet is completely pro… 
 Princess of Quiala Vol.8  Princess of Quiala Vol.8 強問の館  500YEN   299 
 It is 17 thousand light year far away from the Earth, the name of the planet is "Quiala". This planet is completely pro… 
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